Pass2word is an app for organizing your account/password information.
When the user runs this app for the first time, there is a blank list as there is no account/password saved in the app yet. User can click the "+" symbol button on the right top corner to add new accounts' information into the system, then later a complete list with accounts/passwords and icons/photos are displayed.
Later user can search/edit/delete/duplicate/Email the account/password information or open the account associated URL without quitting the app.
A search bar can be found on the top of "All Account" screen.
The search will be performed against AccountName, Username, Password or URL.
Yes, you can email an account by selecting "Action" -> "Email Account" in account detail screen.
The data management is used for synchronize/share data between devices, the file type will be only .zip archive. For instance, you can export your current accounts first and then use the generated zip file as the source for import data then you will notice the number of accounts is changed from the accounts list after the import.
For more information about "iTune File Sharing", please refer to this document: https://support.apple.com/kb/ht4094.
For "Pass2word", there are two ways to share or transfer data between different devices. One is through iTune File Sharing, the other is through Email.
Here are the steps for transferring accounts data between devices (or from Lite to Full version) using iTune File Sharing: