Scan the coupon and know the secret behind the barcodes!
(Device with auto-focus camera is required. iPhone 3GS/4/4S and iPad 3rd generation or newer are supported, iPhone 3 and iPad 1/2 and iPod Touch are not supported)
Supported coupon barcode type:
* Databar-Exp (Standard format, fully supported)
* UPC-A / EAN-13 (Original format, fully supported)
* GS1-128 (Deprecated format, only digit will be extracted)
* CODE-39 / CODE-128 / I2/5.. etc. (Non-standard format, only digit will be extracted)
* Scan the coupon barcode to view the detail information:
- Data encoded in the barcode. Example: "8110100868000262583100110600";
- Human readable description. Example: "Buy 1 Get 1 Free (up to $1.49)";
- Manufacture ID/Company Prefix
- Item family code
- Offer code
- Save Value
- Purchase requirement (if available)
- Start Date (if available)
- Expiry Date (if available)
- Additional Purchase rule (if available)
- More..
* Keep track of all the coupons you scanned
* Set sound effect when scanning is successful
* Automatically delete expired records after specified days
* Universal app can be run on your iPhone and iPad
* Retina display supported
Hints for successful scanning:
* Make sure your device has auto-focus camera
* Ensure there is plenty of light
* The distance between camera and coupon should be about 3 to 5 inches
* Shake to force the camera to focus
* Wait for the autofocus to finish
* Hold still while the barcode is scanned
* Make description clearer;
* Some other minor performance improvements;
* Support iOS 9;
* Make coupon scanning faster and more accurate on newer devices;
* Some other minor performance improvements;